The New York Paranormal Society (NYPS), formed in 2010, is a paranormal investigations team in the unique position of having members with years of ghost hunting and paranormal research experience, as well as high-profile media exposure. Based out of New York City, the group focuses primarily on paranormal activity in the Tri-State area, but has already begun to branch out to other parts of the country to explore the paranormal in all locales.
The group’s core four members met each other while part of a local five-person ghost hunting group. Jason Stroming co-founded this original group in May of 2006, and then recruited Laura Pennace and James Bricks into the group shortly after to form a truly cohesive team. In October of 2009, Stacey Conway joined the group, becoming the fifth official member of the team. In May of 2010, the four of us unanimously decided to leave the former group after realizing that we were no longer in agreement with the way the group was being run. The original intent of a close-knit group working together in a respectful and democratic setting to research and scientifically explore the paranormal was gone. Reluctantly, we got to the point where the four of us felt that the best thing to do was to part ways with the group.
Determined to remain a group, the four of us decided we wanted to continue our passion and the “close-knit” feeling we experienced with each other as part of the former group – and out of that idea came the New York Paranormal Society. We are committed to continue exploring the unknown, and have expanded our interests to include all fields of the paranormal. While we are still active “ghost hunters,” we are now also researching cryptozoology and UFOs. We believe there are limitless possibilities for all the paranormal questions in the world.
If you believe you have experienced something paranormal, please contact us and we will do everything we can to help you. We have many past clients who can attest to our professionalism, dedication, and knowledge of the field. If you are another scientifically-based paranormal group, please contact us if you’d like to collaborate!
And finally, if you have any questions about NYPS, its history, or its mission, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.
The New York Paranormal Society